
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Preparation, Preparation, Preparation

With 'A'-Level, GCSE and KS3 curriculum changes looming, MFL teachers are currently facing all the challenges involved with the implementation of new schemes and assessment measures. This post looks at how we are currently dealing with the implementation of the new GCSE so that our learners are ready and raring to go when it rolls round in September 2016.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Achieving at A-Level

This academic year has seen me start teaching AS level French. This was initially a daunting prospect due to only having taught a few lessons of A-Level during my initial teaching training and having a year away from it. However, in this post I hope to outline a few things that I've put in place to help my students progress regardless of the very steep learning curve A-Level languages can throw at them.